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Understanding Disease: A Practical Approach

Adapting our lifestyle and cleansing

A 49 year old mother of four is diagnosed with breast cancer a few months after a nasty divorce. A 19 year old student is afflicted with Mononucleosis, after sharing silverwear and food with a roommate. A 36 year old man developes a nasty, bleeding ulcer after years of job dissatisfaction. What do these people have in common? What made them all sick? Can we define disease in terms of a virus, a bacteria, or is it simply a result of stress?

One of the problems we have faced in our approach to healing disease is that we have become so focused on a single causative factor. Often we will treat a condition with antibiotics, only to find out we have created a functional inbalance with new challenges and complications. The reality is less linear. A possible clue to a more sensible approach to dealing with disease is in the word itself: dis-ease. In other words, anything that will create a situation that brings us out of a balanced, harmonious, centered condition is a contributing factor in the dis-ease (be it physical, emotional or spiritual). If we, as I do, subscribe to the above assertion, then neither stress, toxins nor bacteria alone is responsible for keeping us from long term health. Even though this thinking moves us from a simplistic approach, the good news is that we can now put together a program that is more comprehensive and effective.

At a physical level, the great challenges of living in this modern age are many:
pollution, toxins, body detox, kidney detox Toxins abound in our air, water, beauty products and food supplies. Bacteria and viruses are mutating rapidly and developing resistances to our therapeutic agents. We are being sold through marketing channels a diet that is a sure ticket to illness.
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Psychologically the stress that we are required to handle (with the increasing demands on our time and resources). Finally, with our busy lives, many of us have relegated nurturing ourselves (in a spiritual context) to the background.

What can we do in practical terms? To answer this question I will suggest a cleansing (detoxifying) and rebuilding program. You may want to adapt or modify some of these suggestions to fit your lifestyle. Keep in mind, though, that the program below has been used and tested.- Dr Vinograd, holistic dentist

Daily :

1) Eye and nose flush- Use a teaspoon of sea salt and 5 drops of Lugols Solution (do not use if you are allergic to iodine) in 16 ounces of warm water to cleanse your eyes and nose passages, where a great deal of bacteria is lodged. First immerse each eye in the water and blink a few times. Then the water is used to snort up through the nasal passages and out the mouth. The first few times it may be unpleasant or somewhat cumbersome, but very quickly you will become comfortable with this procedure, and will begin to feel the very positive effects.

wheatgrass, toxins, body detox, liver detox 2) Drink 2 ounces of freshly squeezed wheatgrass juice (both nutritionally exceptionally rich and detoxifying). You will need to purchase a juicer (best investment you can make for your health). A manual wheatgrass juicer is not very expensive. However, if you purchase a twin cylinder cold press juicer, it can be used for all kinds of vegetables and fruits.


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3) 30 minutes of exercise. Using a trampoline to jog or jump is a very good option.

4) Light fruit breakfast. It is best not to mix fruits with other foods.

5) Prayer and or meditation and/or Yoga . This is the part of the program that often brings about the most resistance. However, keep in mind that this part of the program is essencial in bringing the 'dis' out of disease.

6) Have a protein drink for lunch. I love to use fresh Thai coconuts (milk and meat) and blend them with raw almond butter, raw maccademia nut butter, a tablespoon of flax seed oil, powder goat milk and hemp seed protein powder. Find your own all natural combination!

7) A dinner salad is a great option to finish your meals. Feel free to add fresh vegetables and vegetable juices throughout the day. Most importantly, stay with fresh, natural, live foods. Avoid packaged, canned, fried and processed foods, as well as refined sugars.

8) Limit your time on the computer and television, and get fresh air and sunshine, if possible every day.

9) Finally, it is necessary not only to bring in natural, healthy fuel for the body, but to expel the toxins lodged in our systems. The best tool I have found to do so are detoxifying foot pads (both convenient and relatively inexpensive). I strongly recommend the use of these detoxifying foot pads, before jumping in bed, alternating feet daily. The pads will help open detoxification and energetic channels in the body that are needed for maintaining good health. After testing various brands on the market, I have found the most effective in cleansing to be the bodypure brand (

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Also make time before bedtime to either get into a Sauna (infrared is best) or in a bathtub, with a couple of cups of Epsom salts in the water (again, both are effective detox tools).

Periodically :

Before you begin to cleanse and revitalize your body, I would recommend testing your system for toxins. After 1-2 months of the above lifestyle / detox, a second lab test can be performed to determine how far along you have come in your system's cleansing. If you have purchased the detoxifying foot pads, I believe you receive a free lab test... otherwise hair analysis kits can be found at

Aside from the daily routine, there are cleanses that can be done to improve overall health. On a periodic basis, I would suggest you look into the following cleansing protocols:

Intestinal Flush*
Liver Flush*
Parasite Cleanse*
Kidney Cleanse*
*referenced from

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